Real Dream Chasers RDC Patriot Coaching


Real Dream Chasers was founded by Alissa and Ronnie Powell in 2016.  Both ex collegiate players themselves, share the same passion for the game of Basketball and mentoring the youth.

Real Dream Chasers found Patriot Sports Club in 2016 where they began providing 1:1 Lessons.  From there, RDC and Patriot Sports Club began providing Group Skills Sessions which lead into multiple RDC Patriot Teams.

Our Program provides passionate coaching that focuses on building a character-based team culture.

We commit ourselves to developing confident, tough minded and fearless competitors on and off the court. 

RDC is more than Basketball. We coach Life!


1. Commitment:

Attend all scheduled practices, games and events.  Playing time could be affected and the team could be at a disadvantage.

*Some exceptions are and will be made at the coaches discretion.


2.       Communication:

*Stay informed through designated communication channels (App and/or texts).

*Respond promptly to team communications and announcements.

*We assume that all players on roster will be in attendance at all practices, games, and events. *It is YOUR responsibility to communicate to us in advance should you be unable to attend practice and games.


3.       Code of Conduct:

*Represent RDC Patriot with sportsmanship and respect on and off the court.

*Allow 24 hours to pass after games should you have questions and/or concerns.

*We strongly encourage that PLAYERS should address any concerns and/or questions they might have.

*Allow the coaches to do their job.  Distracting players from the sidelines in practices and/or games is discouraged.  


4.       Team Unity and Culture:

*Foster a positive and supportive team environment.

*Encourage and uplift your teammates both on and off the court.

*Hold yourself accountable as well as your teammates.

*BE LOYAL TO YOUR TEAM! Our expectation is that all RDC Patriot players participate with RDC Patriot ONLY on their schedule weekend of tournament(s) and weekly practices.





5.       Goals and Aspirations:

*Share your personal and team goals for the season.

*Work collectively towards achieving those goals.


We believe that by adhering to these expectations, we can create a positive and successful season for everyone involved.  We are in this TOGETHER! Let’s make this season unforgettable!




“Both Ronnie and Alissa are awesome. They make my daughter work hard, while keeping a fun environment. I wish more coaches were like this team!”

— B. Cowan

“Ronnie was amazing for my boys to work with! He is very knowledgeable and both of my boys showed tremendous growth under Ronnie’s coaching! I recommend RDC to everyone!!”

— A. Owen

What To Expect While Playing for RDC/RDC Patriot…

Flexibility is huge for us at RDC Patriot in the off season.  We have over 250 players in the spring and approximately 27 teams or groups.  Some players are getting time in league solely.  Others play a little in tournaments and league.  Others play strictly tournaments.  We place kids in these different situations based on skill level and needs of the player based on other Spring/Summer activities.  We want to work with you, and we encourage kids to keep up with multiple sports.  At the same time, we believe it is paramount that everyone keeps a ball in their hand most of the year if they aspire to play at HS or college level.  If you don't, there are dozens of kids that will and you will be competing with those kids for a spot on the high school team.  Nothing replaces hard work and experience.

We will work to get everyone a fair amount of time based on what we communicate with each player.  We do NOT strive to make game time and playing time equal.  Playing time is earned.  Tournament time is earned.  Playing time is earned based on effort at practice and events as well as skill level.  League is for competitive development.  We will get you at least a MINIMUM amount of game time.  We track games that each kid gets to play in.  We aim for 4-6 games a month at a minimum.  Most will get that number and more.

We are a competitive organization.  We always work to get a competitive team on the floor in both league and tournaments (especially tournaments).  Because of this, we will always try to have the right mix of size, guard play and experience at every game.  We build our rosters with that in mind.  Some kids will get significantly more time solely based on 'competitive need'.  I encourage you not to focus on other's game time.  Yet, please feel free to discuss YOUR PLAYER'S game time with your direct coach, Gary, Ronnie or Alissa.  You always have the opportunity to come scrimmage in multiple sessions a week.  If you are not attending those event sessions, and you have an issue with your game time, you can expect us to point that out.




At games you are representing yourself, your player, and our organization.  We are going to run into poor officiating and questionable integrity in some other teams. Always show good sportsmanship, regardless of the outcome. It is important that you show class and integrity in the stands.  The coaches will deal with the officiating.  We understand the emotion of the game.  We recognize cheering and the occasional comment can be made towards the officials.  We expect it to be EXTREMELY LIMITED.  We will not tolerate foul language, threats, or name calling of any officials, players or event staff.  You will not be welcome in the organization if this occurs.  If you need to get up and walk out of the gym, please do so.  DO NOT PARTICIPATE in any arguments or foul language.  You will always be the one most in the wrong if this happens.  Thank you for your understanding!



 RDC Patriot Club